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ta (Q) TA
ta3na (A) /TA3
tâch (Ilk) TAK
tachl > tachol (S) TAK
tachol < tachl (S) TAK
tad (A) TA
tad (S) AT(AT); tâd (S) TATA
tadol (S) TATA
taen (S) (1) /TA3 (2) TAY (different meanings)
Taen-Nimdil (S) /TA3
tær (S) TEÑ
taes (S) TAK
taetho (S) TAK
taew (S) TAK
tafr, tavr (S) TAM
taga (Ilk) TAK
taig (Ilk) AYAK
Taiglin (Ilk? S?) LIN2
taile (Q) TAY
taina (Q) TAY
taita (Q) TAY
take pa.t. tanke (Q) TAK
takmâ (A) TAK
taksê (A) TAK
takse (Q) TAK
tál (Q); "g.sg. talen", in mature Quenya dat.sg. TAL
tâl (S), pl. teil TAL
tal (Ilk), pl. tel TAL
tal- (S) TALAM
talad (S) TALÁT
talaf (S), pl. teleif TALAM
Talagand S) TYAL; talagand [< talagant], Talagand [< Talagant] (S) ÑGAN/ÑGALAD
talan (Q), pl. talami TALAM
tallune (Q) TALAM, RUN
talma (Q) TALAM
Talmar Ambaren (Q) TALAM
talrunya (A) TALAM, RUN
talt (S) TALÁT
talta-, talta (Q) TALÁT
talum (Ilk), pl. telmin TALAM
tamba- (Q) TAM
tambâ' (A) TAM
tambaro (Q) TAM
tamin pa.t. tamne (Q) TAM
tamno (S) TAM
tampa (Q) TAP
tampe pa.t. of tápe (Q) TAP
tamrô (A) TAM
tân-nig (A) /TA3
tana (Q) TA
tána (Q) /TA3
tanc (S) TAK
tang (S) TING/TANG
tangado (S) TAK
tango (Q) TING/TANG
tangol (Ilk) TAK
tangwa (Q) TAK
Taniqetil (Q) /TA3, (OY); Taniqetil(de) NIK-W; Ta-niqe-til "g.sg." [Taniqe]tilden, in mature Q dat.sg. TIL
tanka (Q) TAK
tanke pa.t. of take (Q) TAK
tankil (Q) TAK
tankla (A) TAK
tanô (A) TAN
tano (Q) TAN
tanta (Q) TATA
tanwe (Q) TAN
tápe pa.t. tampe (Q) TAP
tar (Q) TA
-tar (Q) /TA3
tár (Q), pl. tári /TA3
târâ (A) /TA3 (TÁWAR)
tára (OS) /TA3
tára (Q) /TA3, TÁWAR (AYAK)
tara, tar- (S) TÁRAG
târa-khil (A) KHIL
tarag (S) TARÁK
Taragaer < Taraggaer (S) TARÁK
targ (Ilk) TÁRAG
targâ (A) TÁRAG
targa (OS) TÁRAG
târî (A) /TA3
tári (Q) /TA3
tarias ("uncertain" reading) (S) TÁRAG
tarka (Q) TARÁK
Tarkil (Q) TUR, KHIL
tarlanc (S) TÁRAG
Tarlang (S?) TÁRAG
târo (A) /TA3
tarqendi (Q) /TA3
tarqesta (Q) /TA3
tars > tass (S) TARAS
tarsa (OS) TARAS
tarya (Q) TÁRAG
tasar, tasare (Q) TATHAR
tass (Ilk) TAK
tass < tars (S) TARAS
tathar, tatharê (A) TATHAR
tathor (S) TATHAR
tathrê (A) TATHAR
tathren (S) TATHAR
tatya- (Q) TATA
taum (Ilk) TAK
taur (Ilk, S) TÁWAR (notice double Ilk. meaning); taur (S) /TA3, TÁWAR, TUR (several meanings: nouns "king", "great wood, forest" and adj. "mighty, vast, overwhelming, huge, awful, high, sublime")
Taur na Fuin (S) PHUY; Taur-na-Fuin (S) ÑGOROTH; THÔN
Taur-na-Delduath (S) ÑGOROTH
Taur-na-Faras (S) SPAR
Taur-na-Faroth (S) SPAR
Taur-na-Fuin (S) ÑGOROTH; THÔN; Taur na Fuin (S) PHUY
Taur-nan-Erig (S) ERÉK
taurâ (PQ) TUR (/TA3, TÁWAR; said to be PQ under TA/TA3)
taura (Q) TUR
taurê (A) TÁWAR
taure (Q) TÁWAR
Taure Huinéva (Q) PHUY
taurina (Q) TÁWAR
Tauros (S) TÁWAR, ORÓM
taus (S) TUP
tavar (Q) TÁWAR
Tavari (Q) TÁWAR
tavaril (Q) TÁWAR
tavaro, tavaron (Q) TÁWAR
tavor (S) TAM
tavr, tafr (S) TAM
Tavr-obel (S) TAM
Tavrobel (S) PEL(ES); Tavr-obel (S) TAM
taw (S) TOW
tawar (A, S) TÁWAR
tawarê/taware (A) TÁWAR
tawaren (S), pl. tewerin TÁWAR
tawarô/tawaro (A) TÁWAR
[tê] (S) TE3
[te3ê (A) TE3]
tea (Q) TEÑ
tegi, 3 sg. tôg (S) TUK
tegl > tegol (S) TEK
tegol < tegl (S) TEK
tehta (Q) TEK
teil (S), pl. of tâl TAL
teilien (S) TYAL
teilio (S) TYAL
teith (S) TEK
teitho (S) TEK
teke (Q) TEK
tekil (Q) TEK
tekko (Q) TEK
tekla (A) TEK
tekmê (A) TEK
tel (Ilk), pl. of tal TAL
telch (S), pl. tilch TÉLEK
tele (S), pl. telei TELES
teleif (S), pl. of talaf TALAM
Telellie (Q) TELES
telemna (Q) KYELEP/TELEP
telepsa (Q) KYELEP/TELEP
Teler (Q), pl. Teleri, general pl. Telelli TELES (MIS)
Telerin (Q) TELES
télesâ (A) TELES
teli (S) TUL
telien (S) TYAL
telio (S) TYAL
telko (Q), pl. telqi TÉLEK
tella (Q) TELES
telle (Q) TELES
tellein > tellen (S) TALAM
tellen < tellein (S) TALAM; tellen < telloein (S) RUN
telloein > tellen (S) RUN
telmâ/telma (A) TEL/TELU
telme (and telmello telmanna) (Q) TEL/TELU
telmê/telme (A) TEL/TELU
telmin (Ilk), pl. of talum TALAM
telpina (Q) KYELEP/TELEP
telqi (Q), pl. of telko TÉLEK
telta- (Q) TEL/TELU
telu (S) TEL/TELU
telume (Q) TEL/TELU
Telumehtar (earlier Telimektar, Telumektar) (Q) TEL/TELU
téma (Q) TEÑ
têñe (A) TEÑ
tengwa (Q) TEK
tengwanda (Q) TEK
tengwe (Q) TEK
tengwesta (Q) TEK
tenkele (Q) TEK
teñrâ (A) TEÑ (see TE3)
ter, tere (Q) TER/TERES
téra (Q) TEÑ (see TE3)
terein (S), pl. of tôr TOR
terên, terênê (A) TER/TERES
teren, terene (Q) TER/TERES
Terendul (Q) TER/TERES (DUL, NDUL)
tereva (Q) TER/TERES
terêwâ (A) TER/TERES
terhat- (Q) SKAT
tewerin (S), pl. of tawaren TÁWAR
thafn (S) STAB
thala (S) STÁLAG
thalion (S), pl. thelyn STÁLAG
thall (Ilk) STAL
thalos, Thalos (Ilk) STAL
tham < thamb (S) STAB
thamas < thambas (S) STAB
thamb > tham (S) STAB
thambas > thamas (S) STAB
thanc (S) STAK
thang (S) STAG
Thangorodrim (S) STAG
thâr (S) STAR
Thar-bad (S) TER/TERES
Thar-gelion (S) TER/TERES
tharas (S) STAR
tharn (S) STAR
thaun (S), pl. thuin THÔN
thausâ (A) THUS
thavon (Ilk) STAB
thavron (S) STAB
thaw (S) THUS
thêl (S), pl. thelei THEL/THELES
thela (S) STELEG
thele (OS), pl. thelesi > thelehi THEL/THELES
thelyn (S), pl. of thalion STÁLAG
thenid (S) STAN
thenin (S) STAN
thent (S) STINTÂ
thêrê (A) THÊ
thia (S), apparently the present tense of thio THÊ
thilio (S, not Q!) THIL
thin (S) THIN
Thind (Dor) THIN
thind > thinn (S) THIN
thind, Thind (Ilk) THIN
thindi (A) THIN
Thingol (Dor) THIN [KAL]
thinn < thind (S) THIN
thinna (S) THIN
thinnas (S) STINTÂ
thintha (S) THIN
thio (S) THÊ
thîr (S) THÊ
[thlaew] (S) SLIW (Changed by Tolkien to thloew.)
thlaiwa < slaiwa (OS) SLIW
thlê (S) SLIG
thlein (S), pl. thlîn SLIN
thlîn (S), pl. of thlein SLIN
thlind < thlinn (S) SLIN
thling (S) SLIG
thlingril (S) SLIG ("r uncertain", according to Christopher Tolkien)
thlinn > thlind (S) SLIN
thliw > fliw (S) SLIW
thlíwe < slíwe (OS) SLIW
thloew (changed from thlaew) > flaew (S) SLIW
thloss > floss (S) SLUS/SRUS
thôn (Ilk) THÔN
thôr (S) THOR/THORON, THOR (different meanings, noun and adj.)
thoren pp. of thoro (S) THUR
thorn (Ilk), pl. thurin THOR/THORON
Thorntor (Ilk) THOR/THORON
thoro pp. thoren (S) THUR
thórod (S?) THOR
thoron (S), pl. therein THOR/THORON
Thorondor (S) THOR/THORON
thoronen (gen.sg.) (OS) THOR/THORON
thribi (S) SRIP
thrôn (Ilk) STARAN
thron-ding (Ilk) STARAN
thross (S) SLUS/SRUS
Thû, thû (S) THUS
thuin (S), pl. of thaun THÔN
thuio (S) THÛ
thûl (S) THÛ
thúren (Ilk) THUR
thurin (Ilk), pl. of thorn THOR/THORON
Thuringwethil (Dor) THUR
tî (S) TEÑ
tie (Q) TE3
tikse (Q) TIK
tilch (S), pl. of telch TÉLEK
tild > till (S) TIL
tilde (Q) TIL
Tilion (Q, S) TIL
till < tild (S) TIL
tim (Ilk) TIN
Timbredhil (S) TIN
tinc (S) TINKÔ
tinda (Q) TIN
tinde (Q) TIN
Tindobel (S) PEL(ES) (Tindubel under TIN)
tindóme (Q) DOMO; tin-dóme TIN
Tindómerel (Q) TIN, SEL-D
Tindómiselde (A) TIN; tindômiselde SEL-D
tindu > tinnu (S) TIN
Tindubel (S) TIN (Tindobel under PEL(ES))
tindum (Ilk) TIN, DOMO
tindumh (archaic S) TIN
Tindúmhiell (archaic S) TIN
tine (Q) TIN
Tinfang (S) SPÁNAG, GYEL
tinga- (Q) TING/TANG
tinge (Q) TING/TANG
tingilinde (Q) TIN
tingilya (Q) TIN
tingla- (Ilk) TIN
tinko (Q) TINKÔ
tinmê (A) TIN
tinno (S) TIN
tinnu < tindu (S) TIN, DOMO
Tinnúviel (S) TIN, SEL-D; Tinúviel (S) TIN
tint (S) TIN
tinta- (Q) TIN
Tintalle (Q) TIN
Tintánie (Q) TAN; Tintanie (Q) TIN
tintina (Q) TIN
Tinúviel (S) TIN; Tinnúviel (S) TIN, SEL-D
tinw (S) TIN
tinwe (Q) TIN
Tinwerína (Q) RIG
[Tinwerontar] (Q) [TIN] TÂ/TA3
[Tinwetar] (Q) [TIN] /TA3
Tinwetári (Q) /TA3
tiog (Ilk) TIW
tîr (S) TEÑ (see TE3)
tiri, tirio pa.t. tiriant (S) TIR
tirin pa.t. tirne (Q) TIR
tirion (Q) TIR
tirith (S) TIR
tithen (S), pl. tithin TIT
titta (Q) TIT
tiukâ (A) TIW
tiuka (Q) TIW
tiukô (A) TIW
tiuko (Q) TIW
tiuya- (Q) TIW
tîw (S) TEK
tó (OS) TA
tó (Q) TOW
toa (Q) TOW
tofn (S) TUB
tôg, 3 sg. of tegi (S) TUK
toga (Ilk) TUK
tôl (3. person present form of teli) (S) TUL
Tol Eressea (Q) LONO; Tol-eressea (Q) TOL2, ERE
tol (Q), pl. tolle (sic, read tolli) TOL2
tolda (Ilk) TUL
toll (S), pl. tyll TOL2
Toll-ereb (S) TOL2
tollo (A) TOL2
tolog (S) TULUK
toloth (S) TOL1-OTH/OT
toltho (S) TUL
tolto (Q) TOL1-OTH/OT
tompe pa.t. of tope (Q) TOP
tond > tonn (S) TUN
tong (S) TUG
tonn < tond (S) TUN
tôp- (A) TOP
tópa, tópa- (Q) TOP
tope pa.t. tompe (Q) TOP
tôr (Ilk) /TA3
tôr (S), pl. terein TOR
Tor Thingol (Ilk) /TA3
Tor Tinduma (Ilk) THIN, TIN
tor, toron- (A?) THEL/THELES
Tor- (S) /TA3
tóril (Ilk) /TA3
tórin (Ilk) BAL
[Tormen] (Q) MEN
torni (Q), pl. of toron TOR
toron (Q), pl. torni TOR
toron (OS), pl. toroni TOR
Torthingol (Dor? Ilk?) THIN
tortho (S) TUR
Torthurnion (Ilk) THOR/THORON
toss (S) TUS, ÓR-NI
tovon (Ilk) TUB
trasta- (S) TARAS
tre (unstressed prefix) (OS) TER/TERES
tre-, tri (prefix) (S) TER/TERES
tre-batie (OS) BAT
trenare, inf. trenarie (OS) NAR2
trenarn (S) NAR2
trenárna (OS) NAR2
treneri (nennar) (S), pa.t. trenor, trener NAR2
trevant (S) pa.t. of trevedi BAT
trevedi (S) pa.t. trevant BAT
trêw (Ilk) TER/TERES
trîw (S) TER/TERES
trum < trumb (S) TURÚM
trumb > trum (S) TURÚM
trumbe (T) TURÚM
tû (S, Ilk) TUG
tubnâ (A) TUB
tûg (S) TIW
tûgh, tû (Ilk) TUG
tûghor, tû-gor (A) TUG
túgo (OS) TUG
Tûgore (A) GOR
tûgu (A) TUG
tuia (Q) TUY
tuilê (A) TUY
tuile (Q) TUY
tuilelindô (A) TUY
tuilin < tuilind (S) TUY; tuilinn (S) LIN2
tuilind > tuilin (S) TUY; tuilinn (S) LIN2
tuilindo (Q) TUY, LIN2
tuilinn (S) LIN2; tuilin < tuilind (S) TUY
tuimâ (A) TUY
tuima (Q) TUY
tuio (S) (1) TIW (2) TUY (different, if associated meanings)
tuio- (OS) TIW
tuiw, tui (S) TUY
túka (OS) TIW
tukin (Q) TUK
tulin (Q) TUL
tulka (Q) TULUK
Tulkas (dat.sg. Tulkassen) (Q) TULUK
Tulkatho (A???) TULUK
tulko (Q) TULUK
tulku (A) TULUK
tultâ (A) TUL
tulta- (Q) TUL
tulu (S) TULUK
tulugme (OS) TULUK
tulukmê (A) TULUK
tulus (S), pl. tylys TYUL
tum (S) TUB
tumbo (Q) TUB
Tumbolatsin (Q) LAT
tumbu (A) TUB
Tumladen (S) TUB, LAT
tumna (Q) TUB
tump (S) TUMPU
tumpo (Q) TUMPU
Tûn (S) TUN, KOR
Tún, Túna (Q) TUN, KOR
Túna (OS) TUN
Tûnâ/Tûna (A) TUN
tund (Ilk) TUN
tund > tunn (S) TUN
tundâ (A) TUN
tunda (Q) TUN
tundo (Q) TUN
tundu (A) TUN
tung (Ilk) TUG
tungâ (A) TUG
tunga (Q) TUG
tunn < tund (S) TUN
tuo (Q) TUG
Tuor (S) TUG, GOR
tupsê (A) TUP
tupse (Q) TUP
tûr (S) TUR
Túramarth TUR; Turamarth (S) MBARAT
Turambar (Q) TUR, MBARAT
tûrê (A) TUR
túre (Q) TUR
Turgon (S) KAN
Túrin (S) TUR; Túrin, Túrinn (S) ID
turin pa.t. turne (Q) TUR
Turindo (Q) TUR
Turkil (Q) TUR
turma (Q) TURÚM
turne pa.t. of turin (Q) TUR
tûrô (A), also turo, -tur? TUR
turo (A?) /TA3
turumâ (A) TURÚM
[Turumbar] (Q) MBARAT
turúmbê (A) TURÚM
tuss (Ilk) TUP
tussâ (A) TUS
tussa (Q) TUS, ÓR-NI
tyalangan (Q) TYAL
tyalañgandô (A) TYAL; tyalañgando (A) ÑGAN/ÑGÁNAD
tyaliâ- (A) TYAL
tyalie (Q) TYAL
tyalin (Q) TYAL
tyar- (Q) KYAR
tyaro (Q) KAR
tyavin (Q) KYAB
tyel (tyelde) (Q) KYEL
tyel- (Q) KYEL
tyelima (Q) KYEL
tyelka (Q) KYELEK
tyll (S), pl. of toll TOL2
tylys (S), pl. of tulus TYUL
tyulmâ (A) TYUL
tyulma (Q) TYUL
tyulussê (A) TYUL
tyulusse (Q) TYUL

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